Revolutionizing the premed process.

Introducing Molding Apps.

Designed by your peers who have matriculated into medical school.

Getting into medical school is complicated.

We want to simplify it for you.

We believe in taking control of the premed process.

We believe in making the most of your time at UT Dallas.

We believe in molding successful physicians.

Our 3 Phase Plan:

  • Phase 1: Intro to Pre-Med

    April 5th, 2025: 10am - 1pm

    Build a foundation for your pre-medical journey to set you up for success throughout the process.

    Recommended for Freshmen, Sophomores

  • Phase 2: Pre-MCAT

    April 12th, 2025: 10am - 1pm

    Gain a comprehensive understanding about the MCAT, HPE process, and different timelines going into applications.

    Recommended for Sophomores, Juniors

  • Phase 3: Pre-Application

    March 8th, 2025: 10am - 1pm

    Learn the ins and outs of the application process including HPE, LOR, ethics tests, interviews, and much more.

    Recommended for Juniors, Seniors

Get in touch.

If you need guidance on which phase to sign up for or have any questions, comments, or concerns, find an officer or contact us!